The Calvert –Charles–St. Mary’s Continuum of Care (CoC) has completed its review of applications submitted for funding in the 2016 HUD Continuum of Care Program competition. On August 25, 2016 the CoC Board of Directors voted to approve 17 project applications and 1 CoC planning grant for inclusion in the 2016 funding request for Southern Maryland.  The information below summarizes the selection process and lists the approved projects.  For more information on this year’s CoC Program Competition, please visit the Calvert-Charles-St. Mary’s website at

Summary of Process:

Seventeen housing program applications and one CoC planning project application were received for the 2016 HUD Continuum of Care Program Competition.   These included:

12 renewing permanent supporting housing projects

  3 renewing rapid rehousing projects

  1 new permanent supportive housing program

  1 new rapid rehousing program   

  1 planning project

Scoring:  All applications were reviewed by the CoC’s Quality Assurance Committee; each of the four reviewers had no employment or funding relationship with proposed projects.  Applications were scored based on the following:

  • Project design and alignment with HUD and CoC strategic planning priorities
  • Project goals and performance measures that address CoC service priorities
  • Past performance as evidenced by Annual Performance Reports (renewing grants only)
  • Active participation in the CoC planning processes
  • Organizational capacity to provide the housing and/or services proposed
  • Completeness and accuracy of the funding application and its attachments
  • Adherence to HUD regulations, grant agreements, and CoC

Rating and Ranking:  Based on the overall score, applications were then ranked according to type of housing provided:   

Priority 1: Permanent Housing (including Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Re-housing)

Priority 2: New Permanent Housing created through reallocation (did not apply this year)

Priority 3: New Bonus Projects for Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Rehousing

Not ranked: CoC Planning Project


High-scoring projects were low-barrier, high-performing, “Housing First” programs with emphasis on one or more target populations (chronically homeless, families with children, veterans, unaccompanied homeless youth). High-scoring projects also prioritized undesignated turn-over beds for chronically homeless persons.

This project listing includes 359 total beds:  305 permanent supportive housing beds (8 new) and 54 beds for rapid re-housing (10 new). 

CoC Planning funds will provide for one FTE staff member to support the on-going administrative, technical and strategic needs of the CoC .

Calvert-Charles - St. Mary’s Continuum of Care MD-508 Project Listing

Housing Authority of St. Mary’s County

1. Three Oaks Center, Russell Rapid Re-Housing for Families with Children –Rental assistance and stabilization services, including case management, for homeless families with children; 8 beds - $43,658.

2. Three Oaks Center, Harding Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities – One unit, 1 bed in a permanent supportive housing program -$15,335.

3. Three Oaks Center, Haina Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities – Four units,11 beds in a permanent supportive housing program - $77,263.

4. Three Oaks Center, Nicholson Permanent Supportive Housing – Twelve units, 29 beds in a permanent supportive housing program for families with children - $241,964.

5. Three Oaks Center, Marek Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities – Four units, 6 beds in a permanent supportive housing program - $61,869.

6. Three Oaks Center, McCauley Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities – Two units, 2 beds in a permanent supportive housing program -  $27,237.

7. Three Oaks Center, Horne Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities – Sixteen beds in Single Room Occupancy permanent supportive housing program - $153,973.

8. Three Oaks Center, Joyner Permanent Supportive Housing – Six units, 9 beds in a permanent supportive housing program - $102,298.

9. Three Oaks Center, Capper Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities – Four units, 14 beds in a permanent supportive housing program - $74,188.

10. Three Oaks Center, Gelrud Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities – One unit, 1 bed in a permanent supportive housing program - $14,462.

11. Three Oaks Center, Owens Rapid Re-housing – Rental assistance and stabilization services, including case management, for homeless families with children and unaccompanied youth, 20 beds - $135,700.

12. NEW: Three Oaks Center, Aldridge Permanent Supportive Housing for Individuals, Families with Children and Unaccompanied Youth with Disabilities– $61,319.


Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC, Inc.

1. St. Sebastian Townhomes – Permanent supportive housing program for families with children -  Twelve units, 39 beds  - $24,707.

2. Fortitude Permanent Housing – Permanent supportive housing program for persons with disabilities - 10 units, 10 beds - $148,459.


Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

1. BHA Shelter Plus Care Southern MD –permanent supportive housing program – Seventy seven units, 169 beds in a - $ $1,286,005.


Three Oaks Center

1. LifeStyles of Maryland Foundation, Inc., Waring Rapid Re-housing Project –Rental assistance and stabilization services, including case management, for homeless families with children and unaccompanied youth, 6 beds  - $45,253.

2. Lifestyles of Maryland Foundation, Inc., Marsh Rapid Re-housing Project - Rental assistance and stabilization services, including case management, for homeless families with children and unaccompanied youth, 10 beds - $61,300.

3. CoC Planning Project – one FTE staff member to support the on-going administrative, technical and strategic needs of the CoC- $73,571